Hawaiʻi State Department
of Education
Instance: HRPROD
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Provisional School Administrator Certification Application (SCRA)

IMPORTANT: This is NOT a job application.

Use this track only if you qualify under the Servicemember Civil Relief Act (SCRA) provision regarding professional license for servicemembers and their spouses.

If you have any questions, please contact us at (808) 784-5300.

> Apply for Certification

Provisional School Administrator Certification Application (Track IV/V)

IMPORTANT: This is NOT a job application.

This application converts an out-of-state school-level administrator license into a Hawaii provisional school administrator license so that you are eligible to apply for Hawaii principal/vice principal vacancies.

If you are an active servicemember or the spouse of an active servicemember, please apply using the "Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA): Professional License Portability for Servicemembers and Their Spouses" application.

If you have any questions, please contact us at (808) 784-5300.

NOTE: For reporting purposes, the application will close each year on June 30th. If you are unable to complete the application by that date, please wait to begin your application on or after July 1st.

> Apply for Certification

Substitute Teacher Positions (External)

The link below provides a list of districts that are currently accepting Substitute Teacher applications. Everyone, including current employees of the DOE, may apply for these openings.

Have Questions?
>> Call 808-441-8400 during regular business hours.

> Apply Now
Welcome to the Hawaii Department of Education's Online Application for PDERI programs, TATP and Substitute Teachers. Please click on one of the links on the left to view opportunities and begin the application process.

If you are a current DOE salaried employee applying for a PDERI program or TATP, please log in by clicking on the "Person" icon at the top right corner or the "Create/View My Applications" link below. In the eHR login page, click on the "DOE Employee Login" button. On the MicrosoftOnline.com screen enter your employee ID format email account (i.e. 12345678@k12.hi.us) and password. You will need to complete Okta multifactor authentication process as well.

If you are not a current employee of the DOE, please click on the "Register" link to create a new applicant profile in the eHR system (external HICISL or substitute teacher online applicants).

Business Hours:
Monday to Friday from 7:45 am to 4:30 pm HST(excluding Federal and State holidays)

Application Information

All job announcements and applications for salaried employment are now on http://hawaiischooljobs.org.

We support the latest vendor supported web browser versions unless noted otherwise below:

Returning Users

If you are a returning user, please click on "Create / View My Applications" hyperlink below to log into the system.